Astro cloudflare turnstile integration
Astro cloudflare turnstile integration
Astro component for TEI as Custom Elements
Watch and execute TypeScript processes alongside your Astro development server. Useful for mocking, WebSocket, bundler…
Control rendering modes for all pages and endpoints in your Astro project right from the configuration.
An Astro Integration to provide a Flat-File CMS
Astro-i18n plus is an international plugin that automates basic operations without the need for manual page management or interference with your src directory.
Use Cooklang recipes within Astro
Astro component for cached icons
An Astro integration to generate Lunr search index at build time
Astro graphviz component
An Astro Integration to bring the CommerceJS SDK into Astro snap in package.
A toolkit for writing interactive tutorials
This is a template for an Astro component library. Use this template for writing components to use in multiple projects or publish to NPM.
An Astro integration for the Contentful Headless CMS
> Privacy-friendly drop-in replacement for Google Fonts by Bunny CDN
Windicss + Astro integrations
Use Lottie animations within your Astro website
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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