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A stunning SaaS template with full i18n capabilities, Keystatic CMS, blog, and more. Built with Astro v5 and Tailwind CSS v4.



Created by
Cosmic Themes

Save weeks of time and get a SaaS landing page and blog running in a snap.

Galaxy is the perfect way to introduce your new idea to the world. It is designed to convert visitors into customers, featuring a modern design and sections that you would want. It also has a built in blog for engaging with potential customers. Built with Astro v5 and Tailwind CSS v4, and integrated with Keystatic CMS for easy content editing.

With tons of features to make your life easy:

  • Full Internationalization (i18n) capabilities with tons of utility functions, examples, and components. Easily configurable with a setup script "npm run config-i18n"
  • Keystatic CMS integration for blog posts, authors, and other pages, with a great interface and rich text editor
  • Easy-to-use, with data and config files for important items on the website. You don’t have to go digging through thousands of lines of code to change the site title.
  • Over 100 components. Including 9 feature sections, 3 hero sections, 3 pricing sections, 2 testimonial sections, 2 faq sections, 2 logo clouds, login, signup, 404, contact, legal, blog index, cookie banner, and 2 blog post layouts.
  • Built-in image optimization with Astro.
  • Built-in MDX blog with markdown frontmatter validation, and multiple author support.
  • Scroll-based animations that are easily customizable, or can be disabled with a one-line config change.
  • Boring SEO stuff like OG tags, Twitter cards, and other metadata - already taken care of.
  • View transitions enabled, with a one-line config change to disable.
  • Fully responsive.

Keystatic CMS

Keystatic is included in this theme, allowing non-technical editors to easily edit blog posts, authors, and other pages. It is a local / git based CMS so all content still lives in your repo in MDX files. Don’t want to use it? Simple run "npm run remove-keystatic" to remove it and it's dependencies from the project.

Further Info

If you have any questions feel free to reach out at:

On Cosmic Themes, there is also a bundle that includes all existing themes, all new themes that release, and all future updates. Read more at Cosmic Themes All Access